About Land Banking |
About Pre-developed Land From ACE |
ACE Investment Results | PDF - A file showing average annual appreciation of property owned by ACE clients through 2007 - Excel results page is here | ||
AV Land Results | PDF - shows land appreciation analysis in the Antelope Valley area just outside of Los Angeles from 1994 to 2007 | ||
CPA Verification | PDF - is from a CPA verifying the information in the document above | ||
Schwab Estimates | PDF - The Schwab Center for Investment Research put out this newsletter letting people know not to expect much for long-term stock market investments | ||
Frontline Excerpt | Word Doc - Titled, "Can you afford to retire". It is about the SHOCK people will face when they go to retire and find they they must continue working because they simply don't have enough money. | ||
CNN Money Article | Word Doc - Warren Buffet warns investors to lower their expectations | ||
Facts About Investing |
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© Copyright 2008 Unique Dynamics, Inc.
When it comes to investing there are many ways to put your money to work and many people out there that will be happy to tell you the best paying method, but most don't really know the most profitable way to invest someone else's money. Most investments are put into the stock market whether through an IRA or a 401K plan at work. Most people think that the only type of investment in a 401K or IRA is in stocks or mutual funds. Usually the brokers are motivated by commissions to put you into one of these vehicles. But, since the self directed IRA started people can now make their own investments and those can be in real estate. |
Pre-developed Land is a great investment because buying land when it is plentiful and in low demand makes it affordable and when the developers move in your direction, the land values can skyrocket. This is commonly known as land banking. Land banking is the act of buying cheap land in the path of growth to take advantage of appreciation at some time in the future. |
Making an investment for a steady income stream is fun when your investments perform as you expected. This website is to educate as to one way someone can use existing money in their IRA, 401K, or other retirement account and invest it in the security of real estate rather than in the volatile stock market. Retirement comes fast and not having a steady income when you need it most is a sad thing. Wise people prepare for the future. Now is the time to prepare for your retirement with a nice big IRA account that will provide you with plenty of interest money to live on. |